Students of 1n1, it's a pity that I have not started marking your English paper due to my health reasons. But rest assured, I will start marking once I finished my assignments which are supposedly due on Friday.
Yep, it's my big day today. Firstly, I want to thank all my friends for their birthday greetings and pressies. I would also like to thank my buddy Eileen...she has been wonderful. Thank you for all the happy times and memories together. To Mrs Loh (though she isnt going to read this) Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for the pressie and the card! You are such a sweet colleague! (fyi:Our birthday falls on the same day!) To Maria, thank you for the handmade gift. You've touched my heart as a teacher and friend. All I want to say is, I hope to see more students using and maximising their fullest potential. I thank God for His gifts that I could discern your talent and your dreams to becoming a performer. You certainly did well for the M concert. Continue to pursue your dreams as a singer/broadway star.
Alritey, here is how I celebrated my birthday...
My parents brought me to Werner's Oven for their famous pork knuckles. It is located at my ex-piano teacher's residence. Upper East Coast road. I remembered Ms Yew used to tell me about their authentic German cuisine. After all these years, I did however tell my parents about it. After watching a food variety programme on channel 8, my parents decided to give it a try. They came back giving me good reviews about the food Werner's Oven served.
This was how I spent the first few hours of my birthday. Despite my sprained back, I agreed to meet up with Eileen at Clinic. Click here to view pics...
Just as I thought that was the end of it all...My dad brought us to Jack's place for dinner. Click here to view pics...