Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I will be performing...

Unity Secondary School
Fun Fair 2009
6th June 2009

Unity Secondary School, in line with her 10th year anniversary celebrations is organising a fun fair that aims to achieve the following 3 objectives:

1) To help our Financial Assistance (FA) students.
2) To raise funds for the development of a Student Activity Centre (SAC)and for Sports development.
3) To raise funds for the development of a Band room.

Do look out for special appearance and performance by our local artistes:
-Jack and Rai
-Art Fazil, the acoustic singer known for his soulful lyrics
-Jamiel, the lead singer from Rockstar Lullaby (Live ‘n’ Loaded top 5)

Do take home some special memories with a Harley Davidson team of bikers.

More than 50 food and games stalls that are sure to entertain your entire family!!!

And all these are happening while we are doing our fair bit for charity.

So make a date with us on 6th June 2009.

For enquiries and sale of coupons, please contact me.

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