Yeah...Nicole turned 3! We were delighted to celebrate Nicole's birthday with Godma Eileen, Maria, Aison & De Si, and friends from N211(cellgrp), not forgetting her beloved popo, gong gong, ah yee, dennis kor kor, and daniel. Nicole seemed to enjoy her big day opening her pressies and playing her new toys. Dearie & I bought food initially for 16 persons but eventually it turned out that there were more than 20 guests. I was actually worried that the food we bought was not enough, since at the very last min, I was told guests whom I didn't expect/invite would turned up too. All in all, I kept hearing Nicole's laughter as she was playing with all the 'jie jie's' and 'kor kors', while I was busy serving her special birthday guests. (all adults!)
Okay, these weren't the only pictures taken (courtesy of Eileen)....there are more coming up soon, so do wait up for some more to be posted. (taken by a professional photographer, also our friend from Cg)
Dearie & I want to appreciate all those who have made Nicole's birthday a joyful and memorable
one. We would also like to thank all for their love offerings, presents and blessings. Thank you all for your presence again. You have definitely made lil Nicole very happy. (asked Nicole how she felt about the party while driving home, she mentioned she was happy!)
Till then...
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