I will never forget the day me and my dearie renewed our marriage vows. Both of us have attended the marriage seminars, well not all of them, but at least, for me, all the sat services. It was pretty romantic as Pastor invited all married couples to renew our marriage vows during service. My cellgroup members were like giving us cat whistles as both of us recite the vows to each other. The corsages meant for all the ladies were so pretty. Each of us has red rose too. I love you dear for being such a wonderful hubby and for standing by me in those difficult times when I needed you the most. God, I thank you for dearie.
Our wedding anniversary was spent walking along East Coast Beach together...Sitting on the breakwater, staring out into the dark sky filled with glittering stars, we gazed at each others' eyes and fall in love over again. ha!~ sounds like another fairytale.
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