Kim Sun Ah Tribute
See...I think I cant get over this drama...I love this song, kept listening to it. Title: Ee byul mot han ee byul - Jisun. Anyway, this actress is really pretty and sexy. Sun ah, you go girl!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Stressed out!
I have to meet the deadlines of this week. Marking assignments at top speed. I have one more class of compositions to go...will I be able to key CA2 marks by tmr? sigh...looks like it's gonna be a sleepless nite for me....
okay, shan't waste time here...gtg back to work now....ciaoz
okay, shan't waste time here...gtg back to work now....ciaoz
Monday, August 21, 2006
One more thing I forgot to fav worship song for now...First. Will be playing keyboard for cg this coming evangelistic cgm on friday. So excited abt it. Can even get to have crabs for supper if we invite 4 frenz or more... Eileen, you are invited! pls rsvp to me soon. thks!
GoodBye weekends...
Time passes by fast...its the end of yet another week. I have attended Dr A.R. Bernard's 1st and 2nd conferences. The Word was so powerful and it really speaks to me...I want to be educated, encouraged and empowered. I will see myslf going back to my studies beginning of 2007. Knowledge translates into authority. It really gets me kicking when Dr Bernard preached abt that. Missed the last conference but will catch it online soon on tues, yep!
I was back at clementi with nicole on sat nite after svc. Taught in the morning till 12pm, as usual mopped the house, and had lunch with my parents n sis. Then after, we went to orchard to shop. Didn't buy much...bought nicole a pair of shoes, her bolster, pillow, pacifier, milk bottle teats, wet ones...
After a day's shopping, we went back to clementi to have dinner at a nearby coffeeshop. Had zi char for dinner.
Dear was at Biz breakthrough dinner at ritz C. The dinner ended at 10.30pm. Went to pick him up soon after.
Had my car washed before we drove back home. with my facial mask (rose mask blessed by Sis Xiaoyun) on my face, thinking abt tmr's FGD...I m supposed to share to the rest of the teachers my teaching strategies. God, give me the wisdom for tmr's sharing...
gtg now...till then...
I was back at clementi with nicole on sat nite after svc. Taught in the morning till 12pm, as usual mopped the house, and had lunch with my parents n sis. Then after, we went to orchard to shop. Didn't buy much...bought nicole a pair of shoes, her bolster, pillow, pacifier, milk bottle teats, wet ones...
After a day's shopping, we went back to clementi to have dinner at a nearby coffeeshop. Had zi char for dinner.
Dear was at Biz breakthrough dinner at ritz C. The dinner ended at 10.30pm. Went to pick him up soon after.
Had my car washed before we drove back home. with my facial mask (rose mask blessed by Sis Xiaoyun) on my face, thinking abt tmr's FGD...I m supposed to share to the rest of the teachers my teaching strategies. God, give me the wisdom for tmr's sharing...
gtg now...till then...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
things happening in school...
It hasn't been good health, I am still coughing like crazy...phlegm is greenish. sigh, medicine from last week's consultation to the doc wasn't helping at all. The whole night, I couldn't sleep and I was coughing badly. I felt really congested in the lungs. Next morning, I found myslf in the toilet, coughing out a little blood and thick greenish phlegm...then I realised I have had a really nasty cough the previous night and it hurt my throat. Called school to say I m not turning up, then went to see a doc again. doc was surprised the med he gave didnt help he prescribed a stronger dose for me, even gave me 2 days MC and told me to stay indoors. However, after taking med, rested for two hours, I find myslf back in school again waiting for the new and long-awaited drum set for my band musicians. Ordered on tuesday, the drums came in at 2.30pm. It was setted up by the delivery man and tuned by Yi kiat, my drummer. Thank God I met teacher H and she advised me to store it in the furniture storeroom for the time being. She said the humanities learning centre room next to the music room is a room which is not opened to students. Praise the Lord! it's so much more convenient. Shortly after, I went back to rest again.
It hasnt been good for me in school lately. There was this argument between me and a student in my form class. It is a known rule that students are not allowed to loiter along the corridors in between lessons. It is understood that even when the teacher is in the class, students must be seated in their seats, only when permission is granted (for the loos) then they can get out of class. Student A apparently went out of the class w/o my permission...she was caught by me walking along the corridor of the classroom, holding on to the collar of another student. Immediately, I raised to my feet and shouted at them to come in. Student A walked in with a remark claiming she didnt do anything wrong...she said she merely wanted to ask student B something. I replied saying that she has absolutely no right and no permission to be outside the class at all...she rebuked back rudely still holding to what she said earlier. Her friends tried to stop her from arguing back...she kept on doing it. I told her straight in her face...that I will report this matter to the dean.
As usual, I wrote a letter to the dean n discipline mistress. The next day, she was being called out of class by the dean...Apparently, I knew that this is not going to be the end of it.
The next thing I realised was that my noticeboard outside my music room was being vandalised. It has been there since last year when I came into this school. Even if its gonna be vandalised, it will happened earlier and not now...after school that day, when I came out of the music room after 2E6 lesson, I found my noticeboard teared down, the wooden frame broken into pieces and was chucked into the bin outside the room. Well, I was of course fearful, that it is going to be worst off...colleagues advised me to report to the DM and I did. When I went back home, I also found 3 man-made scratch on the left side of my car. Well, I shant say anything yet coz I have no evidence against it.
If 'you' are reading this, tell me what will 'you' be gaining/benefit after doing all this? Revenge is for God to decide...dont bring this upon yourslf becoz 'you' will suffer eventually.
Lord, I pray for protection against any evil doers or anyone trying to harm me. I lift all my burdens up to you. I have been quite down recently, bogged down with work, meeting deadlines, sickness and now this discipline matter in school. Lord, I am praying for her that she will stop doing things that are wrongful of her and she will repent for good. I dont really have the heart to punish her becoz afterall she is my form class student. I just wanna concentrate on my schoolwork, keep up with my health, meet the deadlines I faced in school. I want to also continue to build relationship with the students in school. I thank you God for your love upon these students and also your heartfelt presence everytime I call Your name. Forever in love with you, God...Amen!
What do u have to say abt it?
It hasnt been good for me in school lately. There was this argument between me and a student in my form class. It is a known rule that students are not allowed to loiter along the corridors in between lessons. It is understood that even when the teacher is in the class, students must be seated in their seats, only when permission is granted (for the loos) then they can get out of class. Student A apparently went out of the class w/o my permission...she was caught by me walking along the corridor of the classroom, holding on to the collar of another student. Immediately, I raised to my feet and shouted at them to come in. Student A walked in with a remark claiming she didnt do anything wrong...she said she merely wanted to ask student B something. I replied saying that she has absolutely no right and no permission to be outside the class at all...she rebuked back rudely still holding to what she said earlier. Her friends tried to stop her from arguing back...she kept on doing it. I told her straight in her face...that I will report this matter to the dean.
As usual, I wrote a letter to the dean n discipline mistress. The next day, she was being called out of class by the dean...Apparently, I knew that this is not going to be the end of it.
The next thing I realised was that my noticeboard outside my music room was being vandalised. It has been there since last year when I came into this school. Even if its gonna be vandalised, it will happened earlier and not now...after school that day, when I came out of the music room after 2E6 lesson, I found my noticeboard teared down, the wooden frame broken into pieces and was chucked into the bin outside the room. Well, I was of course fearful, that it is going to be worst off...colleagues advised me to report to the DM and I did. When I went back home, I also found 3 man-made scratch on the left side of my car. Well, I shant say anything yet coz I have no evidence against it.
If 'you' are reading this, tell me what will 'you' be gaining/benefit after doing all this? Revenge is for God to decide...dont bring this upon yourslf becoz 'you' will suffer eventually.
Lord, I pray for protection against any evil doers or anyone trying to harm me. I lift all my burdens up to you. I have been quite down recently, bogged down with work, meeting deadlines, sickness and now this discipline matter in school. Lord, I am praying for her that she will stop doing things that are wrongful of her and she will repent for good. I dont really have the heart to punish her becoz afterall she is my form class student. I just wanna concentrate on my schoolwork, keep up with my health, meet the deadlines I faced in school. I want to also continue to build relationship with the students in school. I thank you God for your love upon these students and also your heartfelt presence everytime I call Your name. Forever in love with you, God...Amen!
What do u have to say abt it?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A workaholic architect, who has been overlooking his family in favor of his career, comes across a universal remote that allows him to perform TiVo-like functions on his life, such as pausing events or fast-forwarding over them. When the remote begins creating its own memory and choosing what to fast-forward over, the man sees how much of his personal life has passed him by and realizes the importance of spending more time with his family.
Refreshing plot. Definitely a movie you dont wanna miss! Adam Sandler is one of my fav actors.
Btw, I caught this midnight movie with dearie, we only reached home at 1.40am.
My eyelids are heavy now...better be out now before I realised its time to go to school.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Cough developing...
I've learnt something today during BS...that Satan is the source of sicknesses and diseases. God is the Healer! Just one word from Him, and you shall be healed! I wonder what did He actually said, (one word)..."shoo!", "go!","out!" or "leave!" and instant miracle healing take place. hee...amazing. I'm coughing quite badly now. Feel so irritated when I m sick, no voice, and I have to teach a noisy, rowdy class. ( you know which, I dont have to spell it out). They show no mercy, don't even care if I am in the class, show no respect, can even take out their hps and start sms-ing. When I am teaching, no one seems to be listening except the minority who are sitting infront of the class. I'm no blind man. I have gone through what you all are going through now. I have also done the worst you could have imagined, i.e. (truancy). I'm not a fool, get it? Gave you people so many chances, but you took it for granted. I shall show no mercy now...becoz you are climbing above my head. I gave my first beta form to a student in class becoz he was rude to me. Well, you were warned before and given countless chances. I am sure if I dont take action against you, something nasty might happen...
What would you do if you were in my shoes? Share your views by tagging...
What would you do if you were in my shoes? Share your views by tagging...
Monday, August 14, 2006
Its a sunny sunday!
Went back to clementi to teach two students. Had the whole house mopped. Two hours later, evelyn & I drove down to alexandra road to have tim sum. The uncle was nice, he gave us a discount, serving was big, food was yummy. Enjoyed the food so much so I forgot to take any pics. sigh :p Anyway, the uncle said he wont be continuing his business anymore. sigh again :-(
Shortly after that, we went down to city hall to pick dearie and nicole up. Together, we went to MS cos dearie wanted to buy his business pants at X2 (domanchi) was VIP he had a discount of 30% off his $85 pants.
We met the usual suspects down at PS again for dinner...Eileen owed us a birthday treat. hee..Had dinner at cafe cartel. Enjoyed dinner cos nicole was sleeping throughout our meal...think she was very tired after a whole day out in church playing with her friends.
Then after, we went shopping , bought two black tee from dorothy perkins. Nice design. Will be wearing it to church this sat.
Drove back with Eve and nicole, dearie needs to go for discipleship at 8pm. I was supposed to have bs with sister xiaoyun at 9.30pm. However, things go haywired, my car battery died on me. No choice, gotta postponed it to tmr instead...the saddest thing is, I have to travel to school by foot and public transport. ok never mind, will go change the battery after school tmr. sob sob...

Shortly after that, we went down to city hall to pick dearie and nicole up. Together, we went to MS cos dearie wanted to buy his business pants at X2 (domanchi) was VIP he had a discount of 30% off his $85 pants.
We met the usual suspects down at PS again for dinner...Eileen owed us a birthday treat. hee..Had dinner at cafe cartel. Enjoyed dinner cos nicole was sleeping throughout our meal...think she was very tired after a whole day out in church playing with her friends.
Then after, we went shopping , bought two black tee from dorothy perkins. Nice design. Will be wearing it to church this sat.
Drove back with Eve and nicole, dearie needs to go for discipleship at 8pm. I was supposed to have bs with sister xiaoyun at 9.30pm. However, things go haywired, my car battery died on me. No choice, gotta postponed it to tmr instead...the saddest thing is, I have to travel to school by foot and public transport. ok never mind, will go change the battery after school tmr. sob sob...

Sunday, August 13, 2006
Special Moment for Nicole
Didnt post for quite some time, but now I'm back again. It was a special moment for nicole on saturday when Pastor Kong laid hands and blessed Nicole. I felt happy for her though. Here are some pics taken on that day.

Friday, August 11, 2006
Nicole's baby dedication & N211 singing kings & queens
Here are the pics as promised...Some pics of nicole and me in church while waiting for the special moment....Our very own N211 singers belt their hearts out at Kbox marina square on sunday after CHC 17th anniversary.

Nicole lifting up her hands to Jesus

Sis Mag & Baby Anthiel
Janice, nicole & me
Dearie & me singing "In Love With You"- Jacky Cheung & Regine
Brothers of N211
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
God heal me pls...
The flu bug is still hitting on me. I kept sneezing and my nose is like a tap with running water. I have used up at least half the box of tissue paper in my room. I cant get back to sleep now even after the flu medicine that makes me drowsy after a while. God, pls heal me quickly. I'm feeling terrible now.
It is supposed to be my cellgroup's activity day but because I feel lethargic and weak with the flu virus, I dont feel like going. I guess it's time for me to rest after the hectic week in school. Sister Xiaoyun, I'm sorry I'm not able to join u guys at Sentosa even though I'd love to. Dearie, hasnt been understanding enough...thought that I didnt want to go becoz of inconvenience (My grandaunt's bday dinner at Spring court restaurant in the evening). It's can go ahead and think of me this way. I need REST. Sentosa isnt an appropriate place for me to rest either. If you think I am stopping you from all that fun you are gonna can jolly well go ahead and leave me and Nicole behind. I am ok with that.
Nicole has learnt to be more aggressive in her behaviour. She will scream out loud in a shrill voice if she doesnt get her way. It is not easy looking after her now. She appears to be the easy child to take care of. It's only that short while you are seeing of her, so dont be deceived. Another reason, I didnt want to go to Sentosa, is that, it is not a baby-friendly environment to begin with.
Anyway, it's 4 am now...will post again with pics (I promise) when I am feeling much better. Will tell you more about what happened in school on NDP celebrations day.
Ciaoz for now...
It is supposed to be my cellgroup's activity day but because I feel lethargic and weak with the flu virus, I dont feel like going. I guess it's time for me to rest after the hectic week in school. Sister Xiaoyun, I'm sorry I'm not able to join u guys at Sentosa even though I'd love to. Dearie, hasnt been understanding enough...thought that I didnt want to go becoz of inconvenience (My grandaunt's bday dinner at Spring court restaurant in the evening). It's can go ahead and think of me this way. I need REST. Sentosa isnt an appropriate place for me to rest either. If you think I am stopping you from all that fun you are gonna can jolly well go ahead and leave me and Nicole behind. I am ok with that.
Nicole has learnt to be more aggressive in her behaviour. She will scream out loud in a shrill voice if she doesnt get her way. It is not easy looking after her now. She appears to be the easy child to take care of. It's only that short while you are seeing of her, so dont be deceived. Another reason, I didnt want to go to Sentosa, is that, it is not a baby-friendly environment to begin with.
Anyway, it's 4 am now...will post again with pics (I promise) when I am feeling much better. Will tell you more about what happened in school on NDP celebrations day.
Ciaoz for now...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Bad Flu

Taught at hougang this evening. Straight after, I went to meet Bro Cliff and dearie. We had dinner at Mr Bean's after a failed attempt to look for the supposed Ah Lam's noodle shop at Race Course Road. Gave Bro Cliff a treat coz i really felt bad about his late dinner. This is what I had
for 'late' dinner.

It's gonna be NDP celebrations day in school tmr. It will only end at 10.30am. Heard from my students, other schools end earlier like 9am? There will be the usual parade contingent and concert put up by the choir and drama club. Father, I pray that the voices of the choir will sound uplifting, lively and rejoiced by the Spirit. Let your presence fall on them and that they shall sing with their hearts out. I pray for accurate dancesteps and movements. Let there be no distractions. Let there be no faults in the sound system. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen!
Gotta be in school by 6.45 am to prepare the choir for the big show. Yawnz, I hope I could wake up on time and will drive like F1 driver again (speed 110-120 km/hr). I know I m speeding, but no choice la. I'm staying quite far from school.
Chrissy Out!
Monday, August 07, 2006
City Harvest 17th anniversary - Baby Dedication

Nicole was being dedicated to God on sunday. Felt happy for her. When we were at the altar, the presence of God was so strong and I felt my heart melted when I saw a vision of God holding me, mark n nicole in His arms. Thank you Father, for protecting and loving us as a family. You, are indeed important in our lives. Please continue to guide me and mark as good parents to nicole. Show us to be role models in which nicole will be guided carefully through her walk with You. In Jesus' name, Amen!
I was happy yet sad because I can't enjoy the great atmosphere and presence of God just like my cg members. I caught a glimspe of the video of Pst Kong while I was busy looking after Nicole in the nursery. It was very touching and grateful to know of Pst Kong's hardwork and faith in his calling to build up the church. If not for him, we will not be here today standing in SIS, praising and worshipping God together. I thank God for Pst Kong and Sun. Will always remember you in my prayers. Happy Birthday CHC!
Ivan, Mark's sec schl fren came along for service. He felt convicted under the presence of God
and the evangelistic sermon preached by Pst Kong. Was happy to hear that he wants to come back to God and go back to his church. Father, I pray that he will continue to seek You day after day and that he will walk with You till his dying day. I thank God for a friend like him. After svc, N211 members went for lunch at MS. I had beef kway teow again...was this week's craving, I dunno why.
Dearie and Ivan brought Nicole along for coffee and men's talk at coffee club while I joined the rest of N211 members for a time of fellowshipping! It was great. We went to Kbox to sing. Haha, my first time singing with them. Hey, I must say they really can sing! Sister Xiaoyun, you have a great voice. Sweet and smooth voice I greatly admired. We sang from 4 till about 8.30 pm. I sang all the 'power' n fav songs. The sis n bros were amazed by my range and voice...cos usually I speak in a very low, low voice. I am trained vocally. Just that, I din put it to good use. Perhaps, I may consider choir ministry? hehe...
Went back to clementi, handed over Nicole to Eve to take care. Shortly after that, we had late dinner - teo chew porridge. Dearie said ever since I got married to him, I'm like used to eating teo chew porridge. Headed back, showered n bed to sleep.
p/s: still waiting for dearie to upload the pics. Will post them soon when I get them.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Granny's bday
Was quite tired when I went back to clementi to teach. Taught from 9am till 3pm...had an hour's nap then mop the house. Dearie and nicole came, followed by dennis. It was granny's bday and we have planned to buy food n cake to my granny's place to eat. We set out at 6pm to Jurong West st 41 (my favourite roast stuff)...bought a roasted duck. Uncle was so nice, he gave me extra char siew without charging me. After that, we drove to Hans (great eastern branch) to buy a bday cake. Funny thing is, my sis n I told the woman who served us at the bakery counter, she was actually shocked when we told her we wanted candles for age 76. Hmm, wats wrong with celebrating a 76 year old bday. Granny cooked a big pot of curry chicken, Uncle Joseph bought chilli crabs n mantous. Uncle thomas bought satay and durians! The durians were great! Took some pics of granny and nic. As usual, nicole was excited abt the cake n candles. Tmr, is my church's anniversary. Nicole will be dedicated tmr. So excited for her. Dearie n Nicole are sleeping soundly. I was watching Thai Ghost movie on tv. Gtg catch some slp now.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Long winded 'aunty'

Before I left the school today, I went to see 'aunty' to ask for early dismissal for tmr. My mum has a doc's apptmt at 2pm and I'm needed back home to take care of nicole. 'Aunty' asked me if the apptmt could be changed, and then she went on telling me the importance of pro-sharing and missing lessons. I told her I will only be missing one music class (2N1)....and it came to her as unsightly to the public if the students were to sit at the concourse at that hour(nearing school dismissal time). She went on n on for abt 15 mins....n finally she said, ''ok, this time round I will let u off early.'' I was thinking to myself...we are allowed to have 5 days paid leave for the child with no questions asked. If 'you' think you cant allow me to be dismissed earlier by 35 mins, then I will just have to take child leave. The problem is...its only 35 mins to dismissal time! Cant 'you' be more lenient?! No wonder, no one likes her.
Went to IMM with maria to grab some dvds (selling at 10 bucks), bought nicole a dress and a long-sleeve top. Shortly after that, we drove to bras basar complex to buy quarter inch jack for the amplifier. We went into Swee Lee Music store to search for our stuff, got what we wanted. Maria was amazed by the many shapes and sizes of acoustic guitars on sale. I was also happy to see a complete drum kit selling at $700-$900 bucks...not buying for myslf, but at least, I can justify to the school that since it's of reasonably cheap price, they cld afford it for sure. Had 'Gusto' in mind when I was in the shop, and I came upon a guitar pickup...Immediately, I thought of my band member (DRASTIC TURNOVER) Norman. Being a left-hander guitarist, he hasnt got a amplified guitar and the school's sound system (mics n all) cant pick up the sound frm his guitar.
After shopping, head home with hubby, had dinner, watched sg idol (hope Jonathan will win, haha) and then we head down to serangoon gardens to have supper. I know its sinful and I am not supposed to have supper. (I have consecrated from supper for 1 month) ok, just one supper wont kill...oops, I had prawn-paste chicken wings and LaLa. :p
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
he is cold towards me...
Guys dont like to be nagged at or corrected in any way. Sometimes, it is inevitable that I have to speak up and tell him straight about how I felt abt certain things. Lo & behold, he was unhappy with me pointing out his mistakes, making him feel like as though being mocked at by thousands of crows. Maybe, I shouldnt have said it, but I just couldnt tolerate it any longer...
Facial expressions and body gestures do shout out loud to pple that 'u' r not in the mood...but still, it was my buddy's bday, surely 'u' can make a choice to at least smile or talk.
He didnt talk nor say anything, didnt give a call today to check to see wat I m doin'. He came back only to ask why I locked the main door when he is not back yet. I told him its my habit to lock it at all times anyway.
I think I have said enough...I m tired thinking through if I was wrong.
Anyway, students kept bugging me to give them leeway (extended deadline) for their music projects. I was thinking to myslf...didnt I give you pple time to do so?! (3 weeks) is more than enough.
National Day is ard the corner...its gonna be a two day off-work! yippee!...I m going to see less of my form class again...great!
okz, enough said, gotta end here...I find myslf abit long-winded now. Till then...
Facial expressions and body gestures do shout out loud to pple that 'u' r not in the mood...but still, it was my buddy's bday, surely 'u' can make a choice to at least smile or talk.
He didnt talk nor say anything, didnt give a call today to check to see wat I m doin'. He came back only to ask why I locked the main door when he is not back yet. I told him its my habit to lock it at all times anyway.
I think I have said enough...I m tired thinking through if I was wrong.
Anyway, students kept bugging me to give them leeway (extended deadline) for their music projects. I was thinking to myslf...didnt I give you pple time to do so?! (3 weeks) is more than enough.
National Day is ard the corner...its gonna be a two day off-work! yippee!...I m going to see less of my form class again...great!
okz, enough said, gotta end here...I find myslf abit long-winded now. Till then...
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